Get to know Eden: 5 questions with Megan Madden

With a passion for the planet and experience in sustainability, Megan Madden joined Eden’s Troy office in July 2023 as Project Coordinator. She answered our five questions.

Eden: What drew you to Eden Renewables originally?

Megan: I was drawn to Eden because of the heavy emphasis the company places not only on creating community solar farms, but also the passion and care they put into their biodiversity program for each farm.

Eden: What inspired you to pursue the career you have today?

Megan: The climate crisis and the slow death of the ocean was my motivation to join this field of work.

Eden: What are three words you’d use to describe Eden Renewables?

Megan: Passion, change, and innovation

Eden: What is your favorite quote/mantra?

Megan: "Expose yourself to your deepest fear, after that fear has no power, and the fear of freedom shrinks and vanishes, you are free."

Eden: What do you like to do on your days off?

Megan: During the summer I spend my time hiking, swimming, and seeing live music and when winter rolls around you can find me on the mountain most weekends. I also love a glass of wine and a good book.