New community solar farm approved in Claverack

Our fourth project in the Town of Claverack, Emerson Community Solar Farm, was recently approved by the Town of Claverack Planning Board. Similar to our other Upstate New York solar projects, Emerson will have a capacity of 7.5 MW and generate enough clean energy to power about 1,225 average-sized homes. This saves about the same amount of carbon as growing 120,000 new trees for 10 years (Source: EPA).

Claverack residents will be offered priority to subscribe to this community solar farm and save 10% on their electricity bills. Subscribing also means supporting the local community, healthy pollinator habitats, and a clean energy future. Reserve your spot today.

Like all of our solar farms, the land around and beneath the solar panels will be sown with wildflowers and grasses to create pollinator-friendly habitats and help local wildlife thrive. Beehives will provide pollination services to support local farmers and bird and bat roosting boxes will be installed along the perimeter. We will conduct ecological surveys every year to monitor and continuously improve the site.

As part of the Eden Education Program, Emerson will add $3,000 annually to the education fund for Hudson City Central School District which supports students’ interests in green STEAM subjects. This brings our total annual educational contribution in Upstate New York to $12,000. Two-thirds funds field trips and workshops coordinated by the Eden Education Team, and the remainder is for the Green STEAM Scholarship awarded to graduating high school seniors.