Get to know Eden: 5 questions with Shelby Kislowski

Shelby Kislowski has always been an environmental steward since she was a child, furthering her interest in the field by obtaining a B.S. in Environmental Studies at SUNY Empire State College and currently working on an M.S. in Environmental Studies at Antioch University New England. Today, she is the newest member of the Eden team, hired to provide coordination and support for a variety of new projects in Eden’s development portfolio. She is excited to join the team—as you will notice from the answers she provided to our obligatory “new team member” 5 questions:

Eden: What drew you to Eden Renewables?

Shelby: [Its] unique approach of incorporating biodiversity into its projects. As an environmental studies graduate, I appreciate their consideration for both the biotic and abiotic factors in its developments.

Eden: What do you like most about your role?

Shelby: I like [that the] tasks vary and [working in] the renewable energy industry is rewarding. I enjoy knowing that I am part of the solution.

Eden: If you could transform the essence of Eden Renewables into a book, what would the theme be? 

Shelby: I love reading, so this is a fun question. Eden’s theme would be a message that you may not be able to change the past, but you can work hard to make a better future for yourself and those around you.

Eden: Who would you say is your biggest supporter?

Shelby: I would say my 4-year old Siberian husky, Reina. She is my best friend!

Eden: Any interesting facts you’d like to share about yourself?

Shelby: Last summer, I visited Alaska and saw Denali, the highest mountain in North America. On our way to the National Park, we saw the white peak off in the distance. We were super lucky because only 30% of visitors get to see Denali due to cloud cover. It was surreal!